Flüssigei: erleben Sie das besondere Ereignis noch einmal!
Am Donnerstag, den 29. April 2021, fand das erste digitale Galdi-Event statt, das dem Flüssigei gewidmet war

Eine Idee, die unter der Zielsetzung entstand, einen Blick auf die aktuellen Marktchancen zu werfen und gleichzeitig Gelegenheit zu geben, über die neuesten Innovationen in Sachen Kartonverpackung zu informieren.
Wir bedanken uns bei der Sanovo Technology Group, Ehrengast der Veranstaltung, und den vielen Teilnehmern, deren Fragen zur Belebung des privaten Chats beigetragen haben.
- 11 Vorträge über insgesamt 1 Stunde und 15 Minuten
- Blick auf den globalen Flüssigei-Markt
- Fokus auf den Giebelkarton, eine Verpackung mit hoher Wertschöpfung
- Vorabpräsentation der neuen Verpackungslösungen von Galdi
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- Sehen Sie die Liste der Vorträge herunter, um zu sehen, welche Themen Sie interessieren
Schauen Sie sich unsere Videozusammenfassung
Antonella Candiotto - Managing Director
Opening Remarks
Welcome and introduction
Michael Behrendsen - CCO, Vice President, SANOVO Technology Group
Michele Palliotto - Product and Business Manager, Sanovo Technology Italia
Let the processing experts speak: SANOVO
Learning from SANOVO's experience: market insights and processing solutions for liquid egg.
Benedetta Zancan - Packaging Development Manager
Adding value through Gable Top packaging
The characteristics and qualities of Gable Top packaging: added value for liquid egg.
Cristian Ballestrin - Sales Engineer
Gable tops for liquid egg: a story of pioneers
The popularity of Gable Top cartons for liquid egg grows along with new solutions for big and small producers.
Enrico Mandoloni - Sales Engineer
Food service, Ho.Re.Ca, large scale retail: competitiveness and opportunities
Opportunities in the liquid egg industry and a look at the market's most competitive sectors.
Davide Sabbion - Sales Engineer
From shell egg to consumption: Galdi’s Total Solution
From relying on a global network of partners to developing full packaging line systems: Galdi's approach makes the difference.
Andrea Brunello - Sales Engineer
Introducing the RG80: a new generation of solutions
A cutting-edge system, a specific configuration for liquid egg and market requirements.
Ilaria Trento - Food & Microbiology Scientist
Nicola Manente – Technical Designer
Galdi’s hygiene concept put to the test
A stress test to talk about food safety and to test Galdi's hygienic performance.
Giacomo Dori - System Engineer
RG80 Egg Tech: Galdi’s design engineers respond to market requirements
Efficiency, product versatility and a wide range of formats: turning requirements into technical innovation.
Massimiliano Guerra - Automation Engineering Manager
David Pretotto – Technical Communication Manager
RG80 Egg Tech: Human-friendly technologies
Ergonomics, usability and diagnostics: a glance at Galdi's innovations. "The more advanced the machines are, the more they simplify your life".
Claudio Cibinel - After-Sales Support Executive
RG80 Egg Tech: the advantages of our new digital services
Just a click away: lots of after-sales services, including video-assistance and remote performance monitoring solutions.