17 March 2022

Family Audit: Galdi Renews its Commitment to Employee Wellbeing

The renewal of the Family Audit certification reaffirms Galdi's commitment to work and family life reconciliation within the company's broader employee benefits programme.

We have recently obtained the renewal of the Family Audit certification as a company that "cares about the needs of work and family life reconciliation of its employees". This is a very welcome result, which falls within a broader framework of workplace well-being initiatives we developed and carried out together with our employees.


Striking a sustainable balance between the company's growth objectives and the needs of our employees is quite a challenge. However, if you start by listening, everything becomes easier.

By sharing surveys and collecting suggestions from all employees, over the years we have developed several initiatives meant to improve Quality of Life, and work-life balance in particular, for our staff.

Here are some of the activities that have been introduced within the Family Audit project:

  • Flexible working hours (start and finish times)
  • Part-time work for both male and female staff, even for short periods, subject to workload requirements
  • Remote work (WFH) one day per week, plus extra time, considering each employee’s personal needs
  • Time-saving perks: on-site bank consultancy services, car wash, car service, tyre change, physiotherapy practice
  • Possibility to bring children to work if difficulties with childcare arrangements arise


The three-year process, which started in 2019, foresees an annual evaluation to be conducted with the support of an external consultant.

The recent renewal marks the beginning of the "crucial stage" and at the end of 2022 we will finally obtain the Family Audit Executive certification!

This is the goal we have set ourselves and we are already working towards it. A satisfaction survey on ongoing initiatives has just being sent to all employees and in Year 3 the internal working group is going to hold regular meetings again to collect suggestions and implement new actions. Galdi's staff certainly won't be short of ideas!

Together with the commitment to obtain the Family Audit certification, Galdi continues to offer a number of benefits to its employees, most recently the opening of Galdi Bistro, our new company restaurant, where taste and wellbeing go hand in hand!